Attention: Business Owners & Thought Leaders Who Want To Write A Book That Brings You Bank...Read Every Word Below!

 Create A Pipeline Of Leads, Sales & New Opportunities Through Your Nonfiction Book! 
Let our 30 experts give you the tools to dominate the publishing worldboost your nonfiction book sales, and become a recognized thought leader in your field!
You can't afford to miss this one!
Featured Topics Include...

Start By Filling In The Blanks And Setting Up Your Project Outline

Learn the tips, tricks, pitfalls and mistakes to avoid when setting up your project outline. Will give you a simple fill-in-the-blanks, step-by-step process that's proven to get you off the bench and in the game.

Deciding What Type Of Book And Topic You Should Write

Deciding the type of book and topics you should write about can sometimes leave you more confused than when you began. Learn how to identify your audience, and create a book that truly impacts others.

Strategic Planning So Your Book Produces Your Desired Business Results

Successful business book authors use the key principles that we'll show you to dramatically accelerate the path to reaching their goals. Use our operating road map so that you don't get lost or stuck along the way.

Eliminating Failure From The Equation

Fear of failure is the number one cause of authors not starting or ever completing their book. We'll show you how to minimize your chances of failure and even turn things you might consider mistakes into glowing successes.

Creating Impact Beyond Book Sale Revenues

Not all impact can be measured with monetary metrics. Discover the ways that your book can impact others in positive ways that you may never have thought about. We'll take you by the hand and show you exactly how.

Tried And True Ways To Defeat Writers' Block So You Can Showcase Your Expertise

We're going to give you the formula to stop writers' block from halting how you reveal your essential expertise through your writing. Find out a surefire system for steadily creating impactful book chapters that people won't be able to put down.

Small Books That Deliver BIG Results

You may be surprised to know that some of the most impactful books can be less than even 100 pages! We're pulling back the curtain on how small books can get big results in any niche. They are quickly becoming the new normal.

Finding The Time: Productivity Hacks To Write Your Book Fast

Whether you think you're a great writer or not, we'll show you productivity hacks that will help you write your book in record time, to  get you from concept to first draft. Learn how to reclaim your time and reach your goals.

Demystifying The Cost (In Detail) To Write Your Book

Understanding book budgets and what you need to invest in are key to every major book project. Find out how to save money without jeopardizing your book's quality. Follow these tips and save a fortune!

Building A World-Class Team To Support Your Book

Creating a book completely on your own, without the help of professionals with certain skills, can reduce its quality as well as lengthen its timeline. Learn how to find and hire a world-class team to share the load and make your book a shining success.

How AI And Various Tools Are Impacting Book Publishing

Many people are talking about using AI to write their entire books, but rarely do they talk about the negative impact that AI can have. We'll dig deep into the pluses and minuses of AI and how it's affecting publishing now and likely in the future.

Technology And Tools For Book Content Creation And Layout

There's no doubt that a technology exists for everything. Get the inside scoop on current technology that can give you an edge in creating captivating content for your book, making covers that sell and inside pages that hold readers' attention while accelerating the process faster than you thought possible.

Kindle, PDF, Hard Cover, Paperback, Audio And Apps: Know Your Format Choices

Getting clear on the book format your readers prefer is key to having a successful book. Learn the six major options, how they differ and the cost associated with each so you can meet your audience where they already are!

The Pros And Cons Of Traditional, Hybrid And Self-Publishing

A traditional publisher is essential for certain authors' goals but is not the only means to get your book in the bookstores. We'll discuss the three publishing paths you can take so you won't waste your time or money on one that's less than ideal for you.

Secrets To Getting Book Endorsements And Rave Influencers' Reviews

Ever wonder how some authors get raving endorsements from celebrities along with thousands of rave reviews? Learn the secrets to how they did it and how you can too, even if you don't know celebrities and you're not a recognized name in your field.

The TRUTH About Best Seller Status - And Is It Worth It?

We're going to demystify the bestseller myth and show you exactly what the real costs and benefits are. Get the skinny on how the bestseller game is played so you can decide if you want to play too.

How To Win A Book Award That Is Worth The Investment

Winning book awards is not only fun but provides recognition and status that can also increase the value of your business and personal brand. Find out how the process works and how to maximize your chances of winning!

The Good, Bad And Ugly About Literary Agents

So you think you might need a literary agent? Learn the smart questions to ask, smart points to make and how to choose the right agent for your book. Don't wing it and end up paying the price of being stuck in a contract that doesn't serve you.

How To Get A Book Cover That Magnetically Attracts Readers

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and your cover can be worth tens of thousands of copies. Get the formula that the world's bestselling publishers use to create covers that sell without breaking the bank.

Making Millions With FREE Books

Imagine being able to give away your books for free and make millions in the process. In this session you'll learn exactly how giving away books can lead to product or service sales while positioning you as the expert in your field.

Fix A Failing Book Campaign By Tracking The Right Metrics

Know your numbers! We've all heard it, but not many people follow that simple directive. Learn which metrics you should track relative to your book goals and how to fix a failing book marketing plan quickly.

Creating Multiple Streams Of Income From Your Book

It's the biggest missed opportunity for nonfiction authors. We're revealing 10 ways to monetize your book and parts of its content to create multiple revenue streams that amplify your message and extend your reach to new readers.

An Author Website - Do You Really Need One?

Having a website for your business is common sense, but should you have an author or book website too? We'll dig into the pros and cons along with the elements these sites should include.

Book Marketing - What You NEED To Know (And What You Don't)

John Kremer's industry bible describes 1001 book marketing strategies that have all worked for authors, but which will work for you? You only need to find a few that are right for you and your book, but it often takes a few years of trial and error to find them. We'll reveal where to start and how to know what's working and what needs to be tweaked or replaced in your marketing plan.

How To Crush It With A Virtual Book Tour

Virtual book tours are all the rage. However, many end up being disappointing. We'll show you how to plan a virtual book tour that will really put you and your book on the map!

Author Collaborations That Win Friends And Influence People

The value of partnerships and collaborations can eclipse the financial results of book sales when done right. Discover the pros, cons and costs of author collaborations and joint ventures so you can decide which will be best suited to your goals.

Hitting It BIG In Often-Overlooked Markets

Imagine being able to sell thousands of books in markets most authors don't think of! Find out how to tap into underground markets, international communities and distribution partners that can get your book in front of millions.

Getting Speaking Gigs From Your Book

Looking for speaking gigs? There's no better way to find high-value speaking opportunities than having your book do the selling for you. Find out what works and what doesn't when it comes to getting booked on the right stages.

Selling High-Ticket Coaching & Consulting Through Your Book

Want your book to launch a pricey consulting or coaching business? Learn the key elements to plan for and how to turn your book into a high-ticket selling machine on autopilot.

Launching Your Online Course Business, Even If You're Not A Recognized Expert

Hoping to create one or more courses around your book that could lead to 6 or 7 figures of income without requiring a big staff? Even if you're not a recognized expert, we'll show you how to have your industry, even competitors, envying your success.

Podcast U: Pros, Cons And The Roadmap To Success

Podcasting can be a game changer for any author looking to reach an audience without digging deep into their pockets for pay-to-play opportunities. Find out how to be an amazing podcast guest and even host your own show.

Multi-Million Dollar Profits From "Underground" Income Streams

It's possible to create a multi-million dollar empire from your expertise that's described in your book. Learn about uncommon income streams that cut thru the noise and blur of sameness in your industry to get you noticed, appreciated and in demand.

Virtual Event Secrets To Create Leverage, Authority And Overnight Success

Instead of begging to speak on other people's stages, what if you could own the stage? We'll take you step-by-step through the process of launching your own virtual event with one of the world's largest virtual event producers.
We've Left Nothing Out Of This Exceptional Educational Experience!  
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Meet Your Summit Host - Carol Abrahamson
Founded by executive author expert, strategist, mentor, coach and multi-award-winning author Carol Abrahamson, Executive Authors brings extensive knowledge about business and growth, a results-driven strategic approach and broad industry experience to making business-building books successful.

Carol’s New York University MBA, notable Wall Street and corporate careers plus 30 years consulting to company leaders in numerous industries — as well as success in authoring over 25 books to grow her businesses — has enabled her to develop and now offer a much-needed expertise to executives seeking important business outcomes from their book.

After years of informally helping business authors achieve the kind of business growth her books had produced, Carol started the company in response to a trend she repeatedly noticed among executives who had already finished their book: Young and old alike, they all complained about the meager results their book had generated. Drawing on her experience as a savvy business leader and author, she knew she could reverse that trend.
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Join The 360 Summits JV/Affiliate Program
When you become an affiliate, we supply you with a range of social media graphics & email swipe copy that you can use to promote the events you are interested in. Each affiliate is provided with a unique link that is tracked by our affiliate team. Commissions are earned for each sale that comes in through your unique link!
Join Today!
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Summit Sponsorship Opportunities
Put Your Product, Service Or Brand In Front Of Engaged And Motivated New Customers Now!
The highly anticipated virtual Nonfiction Secrets Summit kicks off July 11th, 2024 with the goal of bringing the world’s best marketers and strategic thinkers together for a blockbuster virtual event.

Featured innovators will be discussing what’s working now in the fields of Business Writing, Book Creation, AI Book Writing, Lead Generation, Ghost Writing, Nonfiction Publishing, Literary Agents and so much more!
If you're not appearing, you're disappearing!
FIVE convenient sponsorship options designed to get your brand maximum exposure and leverage through the power of our virtual event platform. 
A cost-effective option for brands looking to gain visibility and connect within the Nonfiction Secrets Summit community.  
50% Commissions: Earn substantial returns with a generous 50% commission on referred sales.
Virtual Exhibit Hall Booth: Engage attendees with a 3-10 minute video presentation, offering a digital touchpoint for potential clients.
For brands aiming for amplified visibility and deeper engagement with the Nonfiction Secrets Summit audience.  
Everything in the Bronze package
Brand Visibility: Feature your logo prominently on the Registration, VIP Offer, and Daily Pages, increasing brand recall among attendees.
Sponsored Email Placement: Cement your brand's presence with a spot in the post-event newsletter, reaching 50k+ attendees directly in their inboxes.
premium choice for brands seeking presence and maximized interaction with the Nonfiction Secrets Summit community.  
Everything in the Bronze and Silver
VIP Members Area Bonus: Gain an edge by offering a bonus in the highly-visited VIP Members Area (Perfect for lead generation).
Dedicated Email Reach: Stand out with 1 dedicated email to the full Summit list post-event, ensuring direct and personalized engagement with attendees.
Everything in the Bronze, Silver & Gold
Exclusive "Sponsored" Session: Own a dedicated presentation slot during the Summit, ensuring focused attention from the audience.
Post-Event Online Masterclass/Webinar: Further engage attendees by offering valuable insights through an online masterclass or webinar after the summit. (+ 2 extra emails to the list!)
Direct Email Engagement: Send 2 personalized emails to the entire Summit list post-event, strengthening brand recall and engagement.

If you want your branding to be at the CENTER of the event then this is the sponsorship for you! Perfect for sponsors aiming for unparalleled visibility and impact.
Everything in Platinum
Double the Insight: Offer two valuable post-event online masterclasses/webinars, further reinforcing your brand's expertise and authority.
Branded Video Sign-Off: Gain lasting impressions with a "Sponsored By" placement at the end of summit videos.
Exclusive Live Engagement: Host a "Sponsored" Live Zoom "Happy Hour" session for 90 minutes, allowing for real-time interaction and deeper connections with the audience.  
Breakdown of Sponsorship Benefits
Effective and convenient sponsorship benefits designed to get your brand maximum exposure and leverage through the power of our virtual event platform. 
Virtual Exhibit Hall
Your company is no longer limited to a geographic area to showcase your products and services. Our Virtual Exhibit Hall gives sponsors the opportunity to reach a worldwide audience of market leaders and innovators 24/7 without the need for travel, hotel stays and limited foot traffic. Each exhibitor/sponsor gets the opportunity to create a 3-10 minute video demonstration that would emulate the experience at a real live expo event. You can educate, share and sell your company’s products without expensive booths, staffing, and time away from work!
Brand Logo Display
Brand recognition is a key component to executing a proper marketing plan. Silver and above sponsors will receive key visibility on all trafficked summit pages. Attendees will build trust as your brand is associated with the incredibly valuable strategies and solutions shared throughout the event. Having your brand alongside the names and pictures of industry leaders will help secure your place as a relevant and future forward company who is leading the way.
Sponsored Email
After the event promotion window has ended, we will be sending all registered attendees a special newsletter that showcases our sponsors brand, products and services. Contact info including website URL and other key data points will be included in order to facilitate easy communication and sales conversations where applicable. 
VIP Bonus
Gold and above sponsors will have the opportunity to include a special bonus in our VIP Pass members area. This bonus can also be an opt-in gift to collect contact name and email address from the attendee in order to receive the bonus. Great bonuses can include, but are not limited to: special reports, ebooks, software, templates, calculators, SOPs, courses, demo products, strategy calls, checklists, cheatsheets, discounts, free+shipping offers and more!
50% Commissions
How often do you get the opportunity to earn your sponsorship investment back? All sponsors are given a unique link (tracked) to share with others who would also like to attend the events. We give a generous 50% commission to each sponsor for their referred attendees who upgrade to our VIP Pass option. On average, 10% of your referrals will upgrade and you’ll earn 50% of their VIP Pass upgrade - which adds up fast!
Dedicated Email
Forget overpriced “SWAG '' bags, brochures and trinkets that never get looked at… stop throwing your marketing dollars always on promo product gimmicks that simply don’t work. Gold and above sponsors will receive 1, 2 or 3 dedicated email sends to our ENTIRE summit registration list post event. This is the perfect time to connect with the attendees and make an offer to them without the distractions of any other sponsor. Send them a link to your website, product listings, demo pages, sales call sign up page and more!
Sponsored Presentation
Platinum and Titanium sponsors will have the opportunity to be interviewed as a presenter in the summit. This coveted placement will add thought leadership and create a sense of reciprocity in the mind of the attendees. We don’t allow those we interview to pitch or sell in the interview, however, sponsors can make a soft offer that delivers value in this special sponsored presentation.
Online Webinar
We will be hosting a series of masterclasses and webinars following the summit event to educate, showcase and sell the products and services of our sponsors. Imagine having the full attention of the masterclass audience where you can take them on a deep dive of your latest endeavor or innovation while creating sales and buzz in the process.
Sponsored Happy Hour
Reserved for our Titanium sponsors only, we will be hosting a series of live “Happy Hour” sessions each day of the three day event. This unique live interaction and networking opportunity is our way of emulating the after hours bar experience where many of the biggest deals get done at live events. Our sponsor(s) each day will be given the floor to share innovations, ideas and connect with attendees in an interactive experience.
"Sponsored By" Placement
Titanium sponsored brands will be displayed at the end of each video session giving the maximum amount of exposure before, during and after the summit. Your brand will be visible to all attendees from the first play and every replay of the summit sessions. It’s like being a name sponsor for the event.
Per Lead Payout Program
$1.00 Per Lead = 0-499 Opt Ins/Registrants
$1.25 Per Lead = 500-999 Opt Ins/Registrants
$1.50 Per Lead = 1,000-1,499 Opt Ins/Registrants
$1.75 Per Lead = 1,500-1,999 Opt Ins/Registrants
$2.00 Per Lead = 2,000-2,499 Opt Ins/Registrants
$2.25 Per Lead = 2,500-2,999 Opt Ins/Registrants
$2.50 Per Lead = 3,000-3,499 Opt Ins/Registrants
$2.75 Per Lead = 3,500-3,999 Opt Ins/Registrants
$3.00 Per Lead = 4,000+ Opt Ins/Registrants
Interested in becoming a sponsor at one of our events?
CONTACT: Our Sponsorship Team
phone: 561-244-8767 or email:
Want To Speak On The Summit?
Get in front of the right audience so you can build your list and sell your programs.
Speaker Benefits:
We're anticipating over 10,000 attendees! That's equivalent to speaking in front of a packed arena of your ideal customers.
Earn $1 per free registration that you send to the summit from your email list.
Don't have a list or can't promote...? No problem! Become a speaker/sponsor and get a dedicated email send to the entire summit list, post-event.
Include a bonus in our VIP package and reach our buyer's list long after the summit is over. 
Speaker Questions?
Contact Jacky