Attention: All Aspiring Health Coaches & Wellness Enthusiasts Who Want To Elevate Their Skills And Transform Lives...Read Every Word Below!

Unlock Advanced Coaching Techniques, Nutrition Insights & Business Strategies For Success 
Let our 40+ experts give you the tools to become the most successful practice in your area... even during the challenging times ahead!
Check Out The Interview Titles & Topics Below
You can't afford to miss this one!
Here's What You'll Learn
...From  Our World-Class Experts In Their Sessions!

Why Health Coaching, Why Now

We're pulling back the curtain on the strategies of the most successful Health Coaches including to help you build a thriving practice. Learn how to make health coaching a full-time career and how to navigate our post-lockdown world.

How to Choose a Profitable Health Niche To Coach In

Discover the five most profitable niches to specialize in and how to decide the best one for you. After this session you can quickly take your niche authority from zero to hero.

How To Acquire New Clients Who Are Serious About Getting Results

Learn where to find committed clients so your business enjoys the level of success you've dream of and find out how to keep new customers signing up for services. Discover an abundance of opportunities designed to attract and retain customers who are serious about addressing their health issues.

Create Irresistible Programs that Naturally Lead to the Growth of Your Coaching Practice

Here's the blueprint for crafting programs that leave your clients begging for more. Dive into the strategies to keep them engaged, committed, and achieving real results, ensuring the growth and longevity of your coaching practice.

Tracking Systems To Keep Clients Engaged And Accountable

Managing clients though data and what data is the best. to track. What devices to Integrate for real time feedback. How to minimize dropouts and clients that are not getting the results they desire. 

The ULTIMATE Referral Script

Referrals are the life blood of a thriving health coaching business. We're demystifying the process with our step-by-step walk through of how you can create an evergreen referral pipeline that will build a waiting list of new clients.

Automating Client Follow Ups And Referrals

Keeping track of your clients and their progress doesn't have to mean a drawer full of post-it notes and notebooks. Learn how to create a bulletproof filing system using the latest technology that can even automate your follow ups for you - with out the need for an assistant.

How To Deliver A Group Coaching Program

Group coaching solutions can add real leverage to your practice. Learn the best times to schedule group coaching sessions that get engagement. Get insider tips on which tools are available and how to structure your programs, so you can deliver consistent results.

How To Convert Group Coaching Clients Into Private Clients

Certain clients will only see positive progress in a private session environment. Find out how to use patient assessments and pricing structure to bring group coaching clients into your private session environment without appearing too “salesy.”

Membership Websites, Online Coaching & Automation

Designing a website that really “sells” the value of your services and what they offer each client, is much easier to accomplish than most people think. Learn how to setup automation, progress tracking, and your own membership website without breaking the bank.

Digital Marketing For Health Coaches

Ecommerce and the sale of supplements are all the rage in the health coaching community these days. Come find out how to "go online" with your brick and mortar business and borrow time-tested, proven digital marketing strategies designed to help you double your income in the health coaching industry.

Beyond the Clinic: Harnessing E-Commerce to Expand Your Health Coaching Business

We'll chat with an industry expert who have cracked the code of using e-commerce to reach new heights in their health coaching ventures. Get ready for inspiring stories and practical tips as we explore the exciting world of online entrepreneurship in the health and wellness realm!

Crafting Digital First Impressions: How The Right Website Can Elevate Your Health Coaching Business

Discover the magic of website design in making a killer first impression! Join us in this interview to learn how the right website can skyrocket your health coaching business, leaving clients awestruck and begging for more. Get ready to unleash your online charm and attract your dream clientele like never before!

Enrolling Coaching Clients From Social Media & Establishing Authority

Drive a stake through the heart of the "social media" time-vampire and turn your social  channels into platforms that support and sell your brand while building an engaged online community. We'll show you which social media channels can help you build a lifestyle business that support you.

Turning Free Sessions Into A Gold Mine That Won't Kill Your Business

Free sessions can be a double edged sword when positioned improperly! Avoid letting them erode the value associated with your services and cripple an otherwise vibrant health coaching practice. We'll show you how to use them as building blocks that take your practice to the next level.

Legal Challenges That You Must Know Or Risk Losing It All

The success of your brand and your practice rely on your understanding and application of the laws regarding health coaching businesses. Avoid facing lawsuits and other legal challenges by knowing where to find the laws for your region and how to use them to stand above the competition. 

Integrating Health Coaching Into An Existing Practice Or Partnering With Other Businesses

Discover how to approach brick and mortar businesses with a confidence focused on creating win-win environments that foster growth and success. Learn the ins and outs of interviewing potential business partners that virtually guarantees fruitful new working relationships.

How To Make Coaching Your Full Time Business

Take the leap in making a full time income from your passion for health coaching without the years of trial and error. Use these simple, yet powerful strategies engineered to ensure a smooth transition towards a full-time consistent income so that you can achieve your biggest goals.

Avoid Getting Ripped Off: What's Working Now In Advertising & Marketing

Beware the marketing fads and fake gurus! This training session teaches you which marketing strategies are currently receiving the best results throughout the health coaching industry so you can avoid being ripped off by those who are selling shiny objects that just don't work.

Hiring, Firing, Outsourcing & Assistants

Discover the secrets to build your "dream team" that can support and grow your oaching business. Skip the time-consuming, dissappointing and exhausting process. Learn where to find the best help, how to conduct interviews effectively, and how to fire a team member when it’s time to let them go.

Insurance & Asset Protection Strategies

Find out how to keep more of what of wht you make! We're diving into insurance and asset protection strategies for thriving health coaches to protect your clients and brand. Discover everything you need to know regarding agreements, incorporations, lawsuits and attorneys all in this high-impact session.

Creating Passive & Residual Income Channels With Your Coaching Business

Get the inside scoop on supplemental health coaching programs that are designed to add residual revenue generating and passive income opportunities to your growing practice. Learn how to generate more cash flow than just trading hours for dollars at a traditional practice.

Local Vs Distance Coaching Secrets

Telemedicine and “distance learning programs” are the future of health coaching. Learn about new online systems that are allowing health coaches the ability to communicate and offer services to clients anywhere in the world. The opportunity to take your practice global has finally arrived!

Masterminds & Groups To Support Your Business

The Mastermind Principle is the most successful tool for health coaches and entrepreneurs who use it to overcome obstacles and challenges while ramping their opportunities 10X. We teach you how to setup a mastermind or find a mastermind group that will get you to the next level in record time.

The Perfect Email That Can Exponentially Grow Your Practice

Email is still the best vehicle for engaging both your current clients as well as those who have fallen by the wayside. Learn how to build a massive email list that will keep you from struggling to fill your programs ever again. Master email marketing even if you’re not a great copy writer. 

Getting Media Exposure

Want a backstage pass to get past the velvet rope into the world of publicity? Discover the insider secrets that will open doors to media exposure and revolutionize your health coaching business!

Become A Best Selling Author To Exponentially Increase Your Credibility

Publishing a book is the fastest and easiest way to create long lasting authority. Discover the 10 steps to creating a best selling book in only a week. Find out how to get your book written for you, publishing agencies, or how to do it by yourself.

Uncovering Health Challenges That You Can Solve

Discover the lab tests that you can use to uncover root causes of your cleint's illnesses. We discuss the differences between various testing procedures and how to identify the correct labs for each client. Increase your income and profit potential while retaining customers to develop a “waiting list” practice.

Structuring Health Programs That Get Results

Determine the right program to address clients needs. What is the desired payment programs, prepay, monthly, or both. Create a winning price structure for all you programs. Learn the art of selling programs where your client wants to pay you.

Adding Virtual Personal Training With Health Coaching Effectively

Uncover the hidden value of bundling additional virtual personal training services without distracting the primary focus of your practice. Find out how to establish pricing and more importantly how to sell them friction-free to your clients who need them now.

Lab Testing And Blood Panels

Lab tests and blood panels are one of the best ways to identify the root cause of your client’s issues. In this session our experts reveal how to read the results of these tests to uncover clues and determine the correct courses of action for each of their patients. 

Empowering Health Coaches to Navigate Nutrition with Confidence

You don't have to be a nutritionist to be a great health coach. We'll help take your coaching skills to new heights with invaluable strategies to effectively guide your clients in their nutritional journey.

Biohacking Mental Health

Our modern day culture includes far more people being diagnosed with mental and emotional challenges. As a health coach you have the unique opportunity to learn techniques and systems designed specifically for those who suffer from emotional issues without recommending side-effect laden prescriptions. 

Breaking Limiting Beliefs To Gain More Confidence In Your Own Abilities

This is “must hear” training for health coaches at all stages of the industry. Inexperience doesn’t necessarily mean you don’t have what it takes to be an amazing health coach. Our experts share insider industry secrets on how to project confidence and deliver the life changing solutions your clients deserve.

Creating A Work/Life Balance To Make Your Practice Thrive

All work and no play can make a health coaching practice extremely tedious and stressful. You must be able to separate life from work to establish the much needed balance required for any practice to thrive and experience continued success.

How To Integrate Supplements Into Your Health Coaching Business

Supplements are the new staple in several health coaching practices today. Our experts reveal how to convert supplement referrals into a thriving six-seven figure revenue generating channel running parallel to your existing practice. Discover where to source them and how to capitalize on an extremely lucrative supplement program right now!

How To Do Food Sensitivity Testing

Don’t let food sensitivities derail your health coaching programs or halt your client’s progress. Learn how to properly conduct tests for food sensitivities and cross reference the results with the protocols you issue to clients so that they work as intended for them. This critical test is crucial to keeping your client list intact; ignore it and your business will suffer.

Essential Oils & Aromatherapy: Setting The Record Straight

Clear the air and dispel the myths about essential oils and aromatherapy! Explore safe usage and expert strategies to ensure your clients keep smelling sweet success on their wellness journey.

Herbology 101: Everything You Need To Know

Crack open this botanical treasure chest and tap into centuries of proven herbal remedies! Find out how to seamlessly incorporate these natural wonders into your clients' wellness journeys.

Sleep Hacking To Restore Their Body's Balance

Level up your sleep expertise and empower your clients with effective strategies to restore optimal sleep patterns. Discover unique hacks, dream tips, and expert insights to guide them towards restful nights and energized days.
We've Left Nothing Out Of This Exceptional Educational Experience!  
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Meet Your Summit Host - Dr. Venus Ramos
Dr. Venus Ramos – The Biohacking M.D. – is a board-certified physician in the specialty of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation who received her medical training at Yale University, University of Miami, and University of California-Irvine. She has a thriving medical practice in Southern California and has competed for 20 years as a national-level fitness athlete.

Having had great success in landing media exposure for her own brand, she now guides fellow entrepreneurs on increasing their visibility to grow their businesses as well.
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Join The 360 Summits JV/Affiliate Program
When you become an affiliate, we supply you with a range of social media graphics & email swipe copy that you can use to promote the events you are interested in. Each affiliate is provided with a unique link that is tracked by our affiliate team. Commissions are earned for each sale that comes in through your unique link!
Join Today!
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Summit Sponsorship Opportunities
Put Your Product, Service Or Brand In Front Of Engaged And Motivated New Customers Now!
The highly anticipated virtual Health Coaching Mastery Summit kicks off November 9th, 2023 with the goal of bringing the world’s best health coaches and wellness enthusiasts together for a blockbuster virtual event.

Featured innovators will be discussing what’s working now in the fields of Client Acquisition, Referral Scripts, Automated Follow-ups, Group Coaching, Digital Marketing, Advertising, Hiring, Firing, Outsourcing and so much more!
If you're not appearing, you're disappearing!
FIVE convenient sponsorship options designed to get your brand maximum exposure and leverage through the power of our virtual event platform. 
Bronze Sponsorship:
  • 50% Commissions For Referred Sales
  • Virtual Exhibit Hall Booth (3-10 Min Video)
Silver Sponsorship:
  • Your Logo on the Registration Page
  • Your Logo on the VIP Offer Page
  • Your Logo on the Daily Pages
  • 50% Commissions For Referred Sales
  • Sponsored Email Newsletter Placement (Post Event)
  • Virtual Exhibit Hall Booth (3-10 Min Video)
Gold Sponsorship:
  • Your Logo on the Registration Page
  • Your Logo on the VIP Offer Page
  • Your Logo on the Daily Pages
  • 50% Commissions For Referred Sales
  • Sponsored Email Newsletter Placement (Post Event)
  • Bonus in VIP Members Area
  • 1 Dedicated Email to Full Summit List (Post Event)
  • Virtual Exhibit Hall Booth (3-10 Min Video)
Platinum Sponsorship: (Most Popular)
  • Your Logo on the Registration Page
  • Your Logo on the VIP Offer Page
  • Your Logo on the Daily Pages
  • 50% Commissions For Referred Sales
  • Sponsored Email Newsletter Placement (Post Event)
  • Bonus in VIP Members Area
  • 2 Dedicated Emails to Full Summit List (Post Event)
  • Virtual Exhibit Hall Booth (3-10 Min Video)
  • "Sponsored" Presentation Session In Summit
  • Online Masterclass/Webinar (Post Event)
Titanium Sponsorship:
  • Your Logo on the Registration Page
  • Your Logo on the VIP Offer Page
  • Your Logo on the Daily Pages
  • 50% Commissions For Referred Sales
  • Sponsored Email Newsletter Placement (Post Event)
  • Bonus in VIP Members Area
  • 3 Dedicated Emails to Full Summit List (Post Event)
  • Virtual Exhibit Hall Booth (3-10 Min Video)
  • "Sponsored" Presentation Session In Summit
  • 2 Online Masterclass/Webinars (Post Event)
  • "Sponsored By" Placement On Videos (At The End)
  • "Sponsored" Live Zoom "Happy Hour" (90 Min)
Breakdown of Sponsorship Benefits
Effective and convenient sponsorship benefits designed to get your brand maximum exposure and leverage through the power of our virtual event platform. 
Virtual Exhibit Hall Booth (3-10 Minute Video)
Your company is no longer limited to a geographic area to showcase your products and services. Our Virtual Exhibit Hall gives sponsors the opportunity to reach a worldwide audience of market leaders and innovators 24/7 without the need for travel, hotel stays and limited foot traffic. Each exhibitor/sponsor gets the opportunity to create a 3-10 minute video demonstration that would emulate the experience at a real live expo event. You can educate, share and sell your company’s products without expensive booths, staffing, and time away from work!

Your Brand Logo Visibly Displayed On Attendee Pages
Brand recognition is a key component to executing a proper marketing plan. Silver and above sponsors will receive key visibility on all trafficked summit pages. Attendees will build trust as your brand is associated with the incredibly valuable strategies and solutions shared throughout the event. Having your brand alongside the names and pictures of industry leaders will help secure your place as a relevant and future forward company who is leading the way.

Sponsored Email Newsletter Placement (Post Event)
After the event promotion window has ended, we will be sending all registered attendees a special newsletter that showcases our sponsors brand, products and services. Contact info including website URL and other key data points will be included in order to facilitate easy communication and sales conversations where applicable.

Bonus in VIP Members Area
Gold and above sponsors will have the opportunity to include a special bonus in our VIP Pass members area. This bonus can also be an opt-in gift to collect contact name and email address from the attendee in order to receive the bonus. Great bonuses can include, but are not limited to: special reports, ebooks, software, templates, calculators, SOPs, courses, demo products, strategy calls, checklists, cheatsheets, discounts, free+shipping offers and more!

50% Commissions For Referred Sales
How often do you get the opportunity to earn your sponsorship investment back? All sponsors are given a unique link (tracked) to share with others who would also like to attend the events. We give a generous 50% commission to each sponsor for their referred attendees who upgrade to our VIP Pass option. On average, 10% of your referrals will upgrade and you’ll earn 50% of their VIP Pass upgrade - which adds up fast!

Dedicated Emails to Full Summit List (Post Event)
Forget overpriced “SWAG '' bags, brochures and trinkets that never get looked at… stop throwing your marketing dollars always on promo product gimmicks that simply don’t work. Gold and above sponsors will receive 1, 2 or 3 dedicated email sends to our ENTIRE summit registration list post event. This is the perfect time to connect with the attendees and make an offer to them without the distractions of any other sponsor. Send them a link to your website, product listings, demo pages, sales call sign up page and more!

"Sponsored" Presentation Session In Summit
Platinum and Titanium sponsors will have the opportunity to be interviewed as a presenter in the summit. This coveted placement will add thought leadership and create a sense of reciprocity in the mind of the attendees. We don’t allow those we interview to pitch or sell in the interview, however, sponsors can make a soft offer that delivers value in this special sponsored presentation.

Online Masterclass/Webinars (Post Event)
We will be hosting a series of masterclasses and webinars following the summit event to educate, showcase and sell the products and services of our sponsors. Imagine having the full attention of the masterclass audience where you can take them on a deep dive of your latest endeavor or innovation while creating sales and buzz in the process.

"Sponsored" Live Zoom "Happy Hour" (90 Min)
Reserved for our Titanium sponsors only, we will be hosting a series of live “Happy Hour” sessions each day of the three day event. This unique live interaction and networking opportunity is our way of emulating the after hours bar experience where many of the biggest deals get done at live events. Our sponsor(s) each day will be given the floor to share innovations, ideas and connect with attendees in an interactive experience.

"Sponsored By" Placement On Videos (At The End)
Titanium sponsored brands will be displayed at the end of each video session giving the maximum amount of exposure before, during and after the summit. Your brand will be visible to all attendees from the first play and every replay of the summit sessions. It’s like being a name sponsor for the event.
Want To Speak On The Summit?
Get in front of the right audience so you can build your list and sell your programs.
Speaker Benefits:
We're anticipating over 10,000 attendees! That's equivalent to speaking in front of a packed arena of your ideal customers.
Earn $1 per free registration that you send to the summit from your email list.
Don't have a list or can't promote...? No problem! Become a speaker/sponsor and get a dedicated email send to the entire summit list, post-event.
Include a bonus in our VIP package and reach our buyer's list long after the summit is over. 
Speaker Questions?
Sponsorship Questions?
Contact Neerja
Interested in becoming a speaker at one of our events?
CONTACT: Our Speaker Coordination Team
phone: 561-244-8851 or email: