Attention: Homeowners, Renters & Healthcare Providers Safeguard Your Health & Properties From Indoor Mold!

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20+ World-class experts reveal real-world strategies you can use TODAY to prevent and eliminate dangerous mold and keep your home and family safe!
How To Keep Mold Out Of Your Home And Your Life Permanently 
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20+ World-class experts reveal real-world strategies you can use TODAY to prevent and eliminate dangerous mold and keep your home and family safe!
How To Keep Mold Out Of Your Home And Your Life Permanently
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 Speaker   Nate Adams 
Home Comfort 101 eBook
 Speaker   Corbett Lunsford 
Proof Is Possible eBook 
 Speaker   Kashif Khan 
 DNA Way It Came 
 Speaker   Dr. Cathleen King 
 How Healing Happens 
 Speaker   Bill Spohn 
 Tru Tech Tools 
 Speaker   Bill Whitstine 
 Mold Dog Discounts 
 Speaker   Kasper van der Meulen 
Breathwork Masterclass
 Speaker   Robby Besner  
 Bundle - Free eBook 
 Speaker   Corinne Segura  
 Study Lead In Tiles 
 Speaker   Brian Johnson 
 30 Minute Consult Call 
Here's What You'll Learn
From Our World-Class Experts And Consultants!
Nate Adams
Understanding Your HVAC System
Building science expert Nate Adams breaks down the critical components every HVAC system should have to effectively control temperature, humidity, and air quality for optimal home comfort and health.
Corbett Lunsford
What Makes A Home Healthy?
The host of Home Diagnosis TV breaks down the key factors that impact home health and comfort, while sharing practical tips for optimizing your living environment.
Dr. Mark Filidei
Got Mycotoxins?
Why urine tests may not be the best indicator of mold illness: Dr. Mark Filidei, Director of Integrative and Functional Medicine at Amen Clinics, explains why popular urine mycotoxin tests are often misleading and should not be relied upon to diagnose mold-related illnesses.
Kashif Khan
Mold Sensitivity & Genetics
Is It In Your Genes - In this eye-opening interview, Kashif Khan explores the genetic factors that can make some individuals more vulnerable to mold-related health issues. Discover how your genetic makeup can influence your susceptibility to mold toxicity and learn strategies for supporting your body's natural detoxification pathways and optimizing your defenses.
Dr. Nasha Winters
Indoor Air Quality & Cancer
Dr. Nasha Winters, a leading naturopathic oncologist, reveals how exposure to mold and other indoor toxins can contribute to the development of cancer and other chronic illnesses, and what to do about it.
Dr. Cathleen King
How Healing Happens 
Dr. Cathleen King shares her expertise in using brain retraining, vagus nerve toning, and somatic therapies to help individuals heal from chronic conditions like Lyme disease, mold toxicity, and PTSD.
Bill Spohn
Essential Sensors For The Healthy Home
Bill Spohn, an expert in test and instrumentation products, shares crucial insights on the key metrics and tools for monitoring and maintaining healthy indoor air quality in your home.
Bob Coffelt
The Future Of Mold-Resistant Construction
Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC): Bob Coffelt, founder of Northwest AAC, discusses the benefits of using AAC, a lightweight, insulative, and non-combustible material, to create healthier, more durable homes and buildings.
David Gallup
Demystifying Mold Testing
Dave Gallup, co-founder of EMLab and industry veteran, shares his expertise on the benefits and limitations of mold testing, addressing common misconceptions and interpreting results.
Bill Whitstine
Mold Dogs: The Nose Knows!
The Unsung Heroes of Hidden Mold Detection: Bill Whitstine, owner of Florida Canine Academy and a pioneer in detection dog training, shares his expertise on how these specially trained canines can accurately identify hidden mold growth that may be causing health issues. From safety concerns to accuracy, Bill addresses common misconceptions about mold dogs and explains why they are an essential tool in the fight against hidden mold.
Brian Johnson
How To Build A Home That Heals 
Brian Johnson, renowned home builder, triple-certified building biologist and founder of Senergy360, shares his vision for creating healthier, more sustainable homes using innovative materials and construction methods. Discover how a carefully designed and constructed home can serve as a sanctuary for healing and recovery.
John Lapotaire
How To Avoid Getting Scammed: An Expert's Guide
John Lapotaire, past president of the Indoor Air Quality Association and co-author of the soon-to-be released industry standard on mold inspections, shares invaluable insights to help consumers navigate the industry and avoid falling victim to unscrupulous practices.
Kasper van der Meulen
Breathing Your Way To Wellness 
Discover how Kasper van der Mulen, a world-renowned breathwork expert, shows us how to utilize the power of breath to unlock your body's innate healing capabilities, supporting optimal immune function and overall well-being.
Birgitte Andersen
The Hidden Mold In Your Walls
Uncovering The Surprising Truth About Drywall: Dr. Birgitte Andersen, a leading expert on fungal growth in buildings, shares her groundbreaking research revealing that mold spores are often already present in drywall, even before it's installed in homes.
Brantley May
Clearing The Air On Mold Testing
Building scientist and mycologist, Brantley May, discusses the limitations of popular mold testing methods like ERMI, Petri dishes (settling plates), and swabs, emphasizing the importance of thorough visual inspections and proper interpretation of results.
Robby Besner 
Primal Healing: Reconnecting With Nature's Frequencies
Explore Robby Besner's transformative journey into harnessing nature's frequencies, such as infrared and sunlight, for healing and well-being, inspired by his daughter's Lyme disease battle.
Corinne Segura 
The Right Stuff: Low-Toxin Living
Building biologist, Corinne Segura, discusses her personal health journey overcoming mold and chemical sensitivities, and how it inspired her mission to help others create safer living spaces. She shares her knowledge on deciphering product labels, identifying greenwashing, and selecting low-toxin building materials for a healthier home. 
Jeff May
The Mold Survival Guide: Expert Advice For A Healthier Home Description 
Drawing from his extensive experience and authoritative books, Jeff May offers expert advice on identifying and addressing indoor air quality issues, empowering homeowners to create a healthier living environment.
Kristina Beahr
Navigating Mold Litigation
Kristina Baehr, a seasoned attorney in mold-related cases, offers a roadmap for navigating the complex legal landscape, sharing her proven strategies and insights for successful mold litigation.
Freddie Kimmel
Detox Technologies Demystified: Powerful Strategies For Optimal Drainage
Join Freddie Kimmel as he shares his inspiring healing journey, overcoming the trifecta of mold, Lyme disease, and metastatic cancer, and exploring innovative wellness technologies that facilitated his transformation. A seasoned expert in functional health and biological medicine, he provides powerful insights into optimizing the body's drainage pathways, presenting cutting-edge detox modalities and practical tips for effective lymphatic drainage.
Eric Lifschitz
Your Rights As A Renter: Navigating Mold Disputes
Eric Lifschitz, a tenacious tenants' rights lawyer, shares his legal strategies for empowering renters facing mold issues, guiding them through documentation, self-advocacy, and potential compensation.
David Krause
Beyond Mycotoxins: The Complex World Of Mold Exposure
Dr. David Krause, a certified industrial hygienist and toxicologist, shares his expert insights on the health effects of mold exposure in buildings, from toxic responses to irritation and inflammation.
Dr. Joan Bennett
Musty Smell? Not Feeling Well?: The Emerging Research On Volatoxins
One of the world’s leading mold researchers, Dr. Joan Bennett, offers a comprehensive and unique perspective on mold exposure, driven her own personal experience, going beyond the narrow focus on mycotoxins to explore the often-overlooked role of the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) produced by molds, which she now calls “volatoxins.”
We've Left Nothing Out Of This Exceptional Educational Experience!  
Meet Your Summit Host
Jason Earle
  Jason Earle is a nationally recognized expert on healthy homes, mold, and indoor air quality. As founder and CEO of GOT MOLD?®, his mission is to empower millions with the tools and knowledge they need to make better decisions about the air they breathe.

Jason's childhood was riddled with asthma and allergies, so severely that he was falsely diagnosed with cystic fibrosis at four years old. His symptoms “spontaneously resolved” when his parents’ divorce precipitated a move out of the family’s musty farmhouse. Following the tragic death of his mother, a battle with Lyme disease, and a remarkable 9-year stint on Wall Street (he entered the Guinness Book of World Records as the youngest licensed stockbroker in history at 17), the awareness that the mold in his childhood home was the root of his early illness led Jason to shift his professional energies toward helping families overcome and avoid the challenges he and his family faced.

Before creating the GOT MOLD? Test Kit, Jason owned and operated the mold inspection company 1-800-GOT-MOLD? for nearly two decades. He’s personally conducted countless investigations into sick buildings, helping thousands unravel and overcome their medical mysteries, restoring health and peace of mind.

Jason has been featured in or appeared on Good Morning America, Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, Entrepreneur, Wired, and many more. He’s a regular on the podcasting circuit and is a prominent speaker at some of the most well-regarded conferences and events.  
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