Attention: Homeowners, Renters & Healthcare Providers Safeguard Your Health & Properties From Indoor Mold!

Save Yourself And Your Loved
Ones From The Dangers Of 
Unseen Mold And Toxins! 
Let our global experts in mold, air quality, and environmental issues dispel the fear and confusion, transforming the way you perceive air, food, and our living and working environments.
You can't afford to miss this one!
Featured Topics Include...

MOLD 101: What Is It And The Problems It Poses

Learn why mold is, in many regards, necessary and highly beneficial (organic decomposition, vaccines, antibiotics, wine, cheese, etc.) but also potentially toxic and life-altering when allowed to thrive indoors. Get to know the ultimate “frenemy”!

Mold, Kids And Pregnancy - Protect Your Nest

Understand how mold can impact pregnancy, its outsized threat to babies’ respiratory systems, and how it can even diminish learning capacity. Parents and parents-to-be will get tips for maximizing the air quality of their homes and the most effective methods for addressing concerns with educators, administrators and municipalities.

HVAC: The Lungs Of Your Building

Explore the impact of HVAC systems on mold. How they can facilitate the spread throughout your home, why regular maintenance is essential to maintaining healthy air, and the importance of proper filtration and ventilation as it relates to these systems.

How To Avoid Getting Scammed

There’s no shortage of scam artists in the mold industry willing to bleed you dry. Learn which at-home testing solutions are most effective, and the questions to ask and criteria that should be met when hiring mold inspectors and remediators. We’ll look into industry standards, and explain why someone’s experience and philosophy are oftentimes just as important as their certifications.

What You Need To Know About Mold Remediation

Find out what to expect when undergoing remediation, including insights on finding temporary accommodations, timely completion, and setting up payment schedules to ensure the work is done right.

Mold & Pets

Our experts will address differences in susceptibility among animals and breeds, and what signs and symptoms to look for when determining impact. You’ll learn preventative measures and day-to-day best practices for keeping pets safe from indoor air issues. 

Getting Your Insurance To Pay For Mold Remediation

Receive expert guidance for navigating the rocky terrain of insurance policies and protocols, including steps to initiate claims, the gathering and presentation of crucial evidence and documentation, even negotiation strategies.

Detecting Hidden Mold Growth

Discover indicators of hidden indoor mold, common high-risk areas, and what technologies are most effective at detection. Also learn why our senses are a great first line of defense, and hear success stories where early detection prevented extensive structural damage and health issues.

That Basement Smell - The Mysteries Of The Musty

Hear how emerging research is unlocking the mysteries of that pungent odor so commonly found in basements and moldy buildings, and why the chemicals it contains (known as mVOCs, or microbial volatile organic compounds) are often a direct cause of illness.

Understanding Mycotoxins

Get clarity on mycotoxin-producing molds and help separate science from sensationalism. You’ll learn which foods are most susceptible to mycotoxin growth, the symptoms associated with exposure, and why farming techniques and storage are significant determining factors. This is ground zero for the food, allergy, autoimmune and cancer problems impacting our society.

Your Rights As A Renter

Renting with mold? Get actionable tips and strategies for dealing with landlords and property managers, and for asserting your rights as a renter. Our discussion will cover proper communication and the importance of documentation, as well as real-life examples of renter self-advocacy producing positive results.

Landlord Playbook: How NOT To Get Sued

Understand your rights and responsibilities as a landlord, and the potential consequences of not taking action to prevent or fix a mold problem. See how even small investments in prevention and proactive measures can have big payoffs, where to look for the latest regulations, and how effective communication can help keep you out of court.

Rules Of The Road - The Only True Mold Remediation Standard

Different strokes for different folks? Not so when it comes to remediation standards and philosophies. Understand why all remediators (inspectors and) should closely adhere to the ANSI/IICRC S520 standard, and the problems that can and will arise when they don’t.

Mastering Moisture: How To Control Humidity In Your Home

Too much or too little moisture in our homes can wreak havoc on our bodies and buildings. Get strategies for monitoring and controlling moisture levels, product recommendations (e.g., humidifiers and dehumidifiers) to suit any budget or situation, and tips for maintaining a balance of humidity control and energy efficiency.

Mold And Mental Health: Cognition, Anxiety & Depression

Discover the intricate connection between mold exposure and mental well-being. Learn how mold and other indoor pollutants can impair cognitive function and lead to anxiety, clinical depression, and memory loss.

Mold And Health: What You NEED To Know Now

Walk away with an expansive understanding of how mold affects us, including the range of symptoms, diseases, and long-term effects of mold exposure. Find out why mold-related illness is so often misdiagnosed by health care professionals, and why some groups are more vulnerable than others.

The DIY Roadmap & Toolbox

Understand when a problem can be fixed on your own or when it’s necessary to call in the pros. We’ll highlight common DIY pitfalls and empower you to address certain moldy areas safely and with confidence, including how to prevent cross-contamination and the benefits of personal protective equipment.

VOCS: The Real Hidden Danger In Modern Buildings

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are hazardous gasses emitted from numerous products and building materials, and can create serious risks for humans and animals. Get practical steps for reducing VOC exposure in your living spaces, including product recommendations and strategies for identification, removal and ventilation.

Common Causes Of Mold: The Way Buildings Fail

The emphasis on more energy efficient homes has produced many positive benefits, but one unintended outcome has been diminished ventilation contributing to poor indoor air quality. Learn why modern building materials are essentially the perfect setting for mold, and get techniques for mitigating these problems, including what materials to use during renovations.

Air Purifiers: Everything You Need To Know 

Learn the importance of air purifiers in your home and workplace, the various types on the market, their differing technologies, and how purifiers can best be used with other measures to maximize effectiveness.

Detoxing: When, Why & How?

Uncover the connection between environmental factors, mold exposure, and the body's detoxification needs. Learn personalized approaches to detoxing and how to exploit your body's natural defenses against mold-related toxins and pollutants.

Lyme Disease + Mold 

Explore the relationship between Lyme disease and mold exposure, delving into shared symptoms, challenges in diagnosis, and effective strategies for managing health concerns associated with both conditions.

Never Home Alone: The Critters We Live With And Why We Need Them 

Dive into the world of beneficial microorganisms and their role in cultivating healthy environments. Learn how these tiny allies interact with indoor pollutants — including molds — to foster balanced spaces, and gain practical insights into nurturing a symbiotic relationship with your surroundings.

Entangled Life: Our Relationship With Kingdom Fungi

Explore the intricate relationship between humans and fungi. Understand the diverse roles these organisms play in ecosystems, our well-being, and even innovation across many industries.

Unveiling Hidden Health Threats: Understanding Mold-Related Risks

Uncover the hidden dangers of seemingly harmless mold issues in homes and their potential impact on health. Delve into the lesser-known symptoms, long-term consequences, and vulnerable groups affected by mold exposure, while uncovering real cases that highlight the importance of informed decision-making for a healthier living environment.

Breaking Free From Mold Anxiety: Steps To Reclaim Peace Of Mind

Navigate a journey from constant mold-related worry to tranquility and confidence. Understand the mental toll of mold anxiety, proactive steps to regain control, and examples of how education, empowerment, and self-care can transform your state of mind.

Conquering Indoor Allergies: Escaping The Clutches Of Mold

Learn how indoor allergies are caused by mold and impact daily life and overall well-being. Gain valuable insights into allergic reactions, proactive measures for minimizing mold-related allergens, and examples of how understanding this connection can lead to improved respiratory health and overall quality of life.

Defending Your Space: Proactive Strategies To Combat Mold Invasion

Discover practical strategies and insights to proactively defend your living space against mold invasion. Learn about vulnerability points, first steps, routine maintenance, moisture management, and innovative technologies to fortify your home, ensuring long-term protection and peace of mind.

Unseen Dangers: Exploring Health Risks From Neglected Mold

Unlock the hidden health risks of neglected mold in indoor environments and learn how to safeguard your well-being. Gain insights into less obvious symptoms, the dangers of hidden growth, and the vital role of regular inspections and preventive measures in preventing health issues associated with mold neglect.

Peering Beyond The Surface: Revealing Hidden Mold Threats

Explore the impact of hidden mold threats on health and well-being, gaining insights into their challenges and how to uncover and address them. Discover common signs, the role of professional inspections, and the peace of mind that comes from mitigating hidden mold risks for a healthier living environment.

Fortifying Your Sanctuary: Safeguarding Against Unwanted Mold Intrusion

Learn how to safeguard your home against mold intrusion. Explore practical strategies, weather-related influences, and the often overlooked role of timely maintenance in preventing mold.

Fresh Air Oasis: Crafting An Indoor Environment Of Continual Purity

Cultivate a home environment that offers a continuous supply of fresh and pure air for enhanced well-being. Explore the components of an indoor oasis, including natural elements, air circulation, and advanced purification technologies.

Breaking The Mold's Hold: Strategies For Reclaiming Your Living Space

Receive a step-by-step blueprint on how to regain control over your living spaces and liberate yourself from the grip of persistent mold concerns. Explore practical steps, strategic approaches, and the emotional benefits of addressing existing mold problems, preventing recurrence, and creating a healthier, worry-free living environment.

Embracing Serenity Amid Mold Worries: Finding Balance

Confidently navigate the challenges of mold worries while cultivating inner calm and balance. Explore strategies, mindfulness techniques, and the role of support in maintaining a positive living environment, despite ongoing mold concerns, for a more fulfilling and worry-free life.

Prioritizing Family Wellness: Navigating Mold In Prone Areas

Learn how families can proactively ensure their loved ones' wellness in mold-prone areas. Discover insights on challenges, prevention plans, communication, and education, as well as the role of monitoring and early intervention in maintaining family health and well-being.

Custom Solutions For Mold Worries: Unveiling Available Resources

Listen in on how individuals can access tailored solutions to address their specific mold-related concerns and worries. Gain insights into the variety of available resources, the role of professional experts and services, and the benefits of utilizing online platforms, support groups, and educational materials to create personalized strategies for managing mold-related concerns.
We've Left Nothing Out Of This Exceptional Educational Experience!  
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Meet Your Summit Host - Jason Earle
Jason Earle is a nationally recognized expert on healthy homes, mold, and indoor air quality. As founder and CEO of GOT MOLD?®, his mission is to empower millions with the tools and knowledge they need to make better decisions about the air they breathe.

Jason's childhood was riddled with asthma and allergies, so severely that he was falsely diagnosed with cystic fibrosis at four years old. His symptoms “spontaneously resolved” when his parents’ divorce precipitated a move out of the family’s musty farmhouse. Following the tragic death of his mother, a battle with Lyme disease, and a remarkable 9-year stint on Wall Street (he entered the Guinness Book of World Records as the youngest licensed stockbroker in history at 17), the awareness that the mold in his childhood home was the root of his early illness led Jason to shift his professional energies toward helping families overcome and avoid the challenges he and his family faced.

Before creating the GOT MOLD? Test Kit, Jason owned and operated the mold inspection company 1-800-GOT-MOLD? for nearly two decades. He’s personally conducted countless investigations into sick buildings, helping thousands unravel and overcome their medical mysteries, restoring health and peace of mind.

Jason has been featured in or appeared on Good Morning America, Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, Entrepreneur, Wired, and many more. He’s a regular on the podcasting circuit and is a prominent speaker at some of the most well-regarded conferences and events.
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Join The 360 Summits JV/Affiliate Program
When you become an affiliate, we supply you with a range of social media graphics & email swipe copy that you can use to promote the events you are interested in. Each affiliate is provided with a unique link that is tracked by our affiliate team. Commissions are earned for each sale that comes in through your unique link!
Join Today!
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Summit Sponsorship Opportunities
Put Your Product, Service Or Brand In Front Of Engaged And Motivated New Customers Now!
The highly anticipated virtual GOT MOLD? Summit kicks off September 5th - 8th, 2024 with the goal of bringing the world’s best marketers and strategic thinkers together for a blockbuster virtual event.

Featured innovators will be discussing what’s working now in the fields of Mold Detection, Mold Testing & Inspection, Combating Mold Recurrence, Indoor Air Quality, Mold Related Health Impact, Remediation and so much more!
Be A Sponsor And Be Seen!
We offer FIVE convenient sponsorship options for maximizing brand exposure and fully leveraging the power of our virtual platform.
A cost-effective option for brands looking to gain visibility and connect within the GOT MOLD? Summit community.  
50% Commissions: Earn substantial returns with a generous 50% commission on referred sales.
Virtual Exhibit Hall Booth: Engage attendees with a 3-10 minute video presentation, offering a digital touchpoint for potential clients.
For brands aiming for amplified visibility and deeper engagement with the GOT MOLD? Summit audience.  
Everything in the Bronze package
Brand Visibility: Feature your logo prominently on the Registration, VIP Offer, and Daily Pages, increasing brand recall among attendees.
Sponsored Email Placement: Cement your brand's presence with a spot in the post-event newsletter, reaching 50k+ attendees directly in their inboxes.
premium choice for brands seeking presence and maximized interaction with the GOT MOLD? Summit community.  
Everything in the Bronze and Silver
VIP Members Area Bonus: Gain an edge by offering a bonus in the highly-visited VIP Members Area (Perfect for lead generation).
Dedicated Email Reach: Stand out with 1 dedicated email to the full Summit list post-event, ensuring direct and personalized engagement with attendees.
Everything in the Bronze, Silver & Gold
Exclusive "Sponsored" Session: Own a dedicated presentation slot during the Summit, ensuring focused attention from the audience.
Post-Event Online Masterclass/Webinar: Further engage attendees by offering valuable insights through an online masterclass or webinar after the summit. (+ 2 extra emails to the list!)
Direct Email Engagement: Send 2 personalized emails to the entire Summit list post-event, strengthening brand recall and engagement.
If you want your branding to be at the CENTER of the event then this is the sponsorship for you! Perfect for sponsors aiming for unparalleled visibility and impact.
Everything in Platinum
Double the Insight: Offer two valuable post-event online masterclasses/webinars, further reinforcing your brand's expertise and authority.
Branded Video Sign-Off: Gain lasting impressions with a "Sponsored By" placement at the end of summit videos.
Exclusive Live Engagement: Host a "Sponsored" Live Zoom "Happy Hour" session for 90 minutes, allowing for real-time interaction and deeper connections with the audience.  
Breakdown of Sponsorship Benefits
Effective and convenient sponsorship benefits designed to get your brand maximum exposure and leverage through the power of our virtual event platform. 
Virtual Exhibit Hall
Your company is no longer limited to a geographic area to showcase your products and services. Our Virtual Exhibit Hall gives sponsors the opportunity to reach a worldwide audience of market leaders and innovators 24/7 without the need for travel, hotel stays and limited foot traffic. Each exhibitor/sponsor gets the opportunity to create a 3-10 minute video demonstration that would emulate the experience at a real live expo event. You can educate, share and sell your company’s products without expensive booths, staffing, and time away from work!
Brand Logo Display
Brand recognition is a key component to executing a proper marketing plan. Silver and above sponsors will receive key visibility on all trafficked summit pages. Attendees will build trust as your brand is associated with the incredibly valuable strategies and solutions shared throughout the event. Having your brand alongside the names and pictures of industry leaders will help secure your place as a relevant and future forward company who is leading the way.
Sponsored Email
After the event promotion window has ended, we will be sending all registered attendees a special newsletter that showcases our sponsors brand, products and services. Contact info including website URL and other key data points will be included in order to facilitate easy communication and sales conversations where applicable. 
VIP Bonus
Gold and above sponsors will have the opportunity to include a special bonus in our VIP Pass members area. This bonus can also be an opt-in gift to collect contact name and email address from the attendee in order to receive the bonus. Great bonuses can include, but are not limited to: special reports, ebooks, software, templates, calculators, SOPs, courses, demo products, strategy calls, checklists, cheatsheets, discounts, free+shipping offers and more!
Per Lead Payout Program
How often do you get the opportunity to earn your sponsorship investment back? All sponsors are given a unique link (tracked) to share with others who would also like to attend the events. We provide a Per Lead Payout Program as stipulated in the graphic below. On average, 10% of your referrals will upgrade and you’ll earn between $1 - $3 per lead based on which tier you achieve* - which adds up fast!
Dedicated Email
Forget overpriced “SWAG '' bags, brochures and trinkets that never get looked at… stop throwing your marketing dollars always on promo product gimmicks that simply don’t work. Gold and above sponsors will receive 1, 2 or 3 dedicated email sends to our ENTIRE summit registration list post event. This is the perfect time to connect with the attendees and make an offer to them without the distractions of any other sponsor. Send them a link to your website, product listings, demo pages, sales call sign up page and more!
Sponsored Presentation
Platinum and Titanium sponsors will have the opportunity to be interviewed as a presenter in the summit. This coveted placement will add thought leadership and create a sense of reciprocity in the mind of the attendees. We don’t allow those we interview to pitch or sell in the interview, however, sponsors can make a soft offer that delivers value in this special sponsored presentation.
Online Webinar
We will be hosting a series of masterclasses and webinars following the summit event to educate, showcase and sell the products and services of our sponsors. Imagine having the full attention of the masterclass audience where you can take them on a deep dive of your latest endeavor or innovation while creating sales and buzz in the process.
Sponsored Happy Hour
Reserved for our Titanium sponsors only, we will be hosting a series of live “Happy Hour” sessions each day of the three day event. This unique live interaction and networking opportunity is our way of emulating the after hours bar experience where many of the biggest deals get done at live events. Our sponsor(s) each day will be given the floor to share innovations, ideas and connect with attendees in an interactive experience.
"Sponsored By" Placement
Titanium sponsored brands will be displayed at the end of each video session giving the maximum amount of exposure before, during and after the summit. Your brand will be visible to all attendees from the first play and every replay of the summit sessions. It’s like being a name sponsor for the event.
Per Lead Payout Program
$1.00 Per Lead = 0-499 Opt Ins/Registrants
$1.25 Per Lead = 500-999 Opt Ins/Registrants
$1.50 Per Lead = 1,000-1,499 Opt Ins/Registrants
$1.75 Per Lead = 1,500-1,999 Opt Ins/Registrants
$2.00 Per Lead = 2,000-2,499 Opt Ins/Registrants
$2.25 Per Lead = 2,500-2,999 Opt Ins/Registrants
$2.50 Per Lead = 3,000-3,499 Opt Ins/Registrants
$2.75 Per Lead = 3,500-3,999 Opt Ins/Registrants
$3.00 Per Lead = 4,000+ Opt Ins/Registrants
*In Order To Qualify for $1-$3, Your Leads Must Convert At The Average Of Other Affiliates Or Your Commission Structure Will Be Revert to 50% Of The VIP Pass Sales
Interested in becoming a sponsor at one of our events?
Contact Our Sponsorship Team
Edward Losloso - 561-244-8767

Want To Speak On The Summit?
Get in front of the right audience so you can build your list and sell your programs.
Speaker Benefits:
We're anticipating over 10,000 attendees! That's equivalent to speaking in front of a packed arena of your ideal customers.
Earn $1 per free registration* that you send to the summit from your email list.
Don't have a list or can't promote...? No problem! Become a speaker/sponsor and get a dedicated email send to the entire summit list, post-event.
Include a bonus in our VIP package and reach our buyer's list long after the summit is over. 
Speaker Questions?